“Carnival around Europe”


Tο νέο  πρόγραμμα e-Ttwinning   που  ξεκινήσε  στο σχολείο μας  λέγεται “Carnival around Europe”  και γίνεται σε συνεργασία με τα σχολεία:

περισσότερα για το πρόγραμμα:

About the project

In this project we’d like our students to learn about Carnival around Europe. We expect them to discover that although there might be a few differences, all european teenagers live this festivity in the same way. We will exchange presentations with images taken during this year’s Carnival and will explain the origin of some of the events. We’d like to give this project a sense of reality, we want our students and our partners to have the feeling of being working on a topic that is real and deeply related to them, to people of their age.
Once the presentations are finished, we will exchange them with our partners and will analyse the similiarities and differences among the three countries which will be used as the main topic in a series of chats we expect to have using the channels offered by this platform.
We hope that this will create a link among our students and our schools that could become the starting point of future collaborations.


1. Exchange information and learn about Carnival in the participating countries.
2. Discover similiarities and differences among the celebration of this festivity in all the countries participating in the project,( Italy, Greece and Spain).
3. Start live relationships with students of the same age from all the countries involved in the project using Twinspace to talk about the topic and exchange personal information.
4. Be able to use technology effectively to show our work and get in contact with partners.


Once the project meets the approval, the coordinators will get in touch and will define the aspects we want our students to work on when developing the project. We will also design a kind of questionnaire to register the differences and similiarities in the different aspects of the topic our students have worked on so that they can use these to talk about the topic in the chats we expect to be able to have.
Then, each school will give instructions to students to work in the different aspects that will make up their presentations.
Exchange of presentations, analysis of the others’ presentations and definition of similiarities and differences in the format agreed previously by teachers. First week of March.
Chats among the students of the different schools using Twinspace. Second, third and fourth week of March.
Conclusions we have reached. Topics for a possible continuity of our relationship. First and second week of April.


As a result of this project we expect our students to learn about the topic of Canival but we mainly hope that they get in contact with teenagers from other countries and discover that frontiers are only lines in a map. We want this project to be the first step in our internacionalization. We’d like to open our school to Europe. We plan to establish relationships with school of all parts of Europe to start up projects so that our staff and students can get in contact and work with other schools and learn from them or even be hosts for them to come and learn from us.

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