Οι εργασίες των μαθητών/τριων μας στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+?Migration Analysis project (MAP)?
- The News report of Greece in Italy
- The News report of Greece in Germany
- The News report of Greece in Greece
- The book ?Serenity?
- The book ?Cockroach?
- Interviews
- Professions and immigrant
- Video for the refugees? flows in Greece
Video of ?Passages? ? a simulation game guided by Amnesty International - Presentation: ?How migrants keep in touch with their roots?
- Presentation of Dublin II Regulations
- The News report of Greece in Spain ? Education
- The News report of Greece in Spain ? Demographic problem and Health care
- Interview ? David Malteze
- Economic crisis and Migration in Greece – Presentation in Spain
- The News report of Greece in Lithuania ? Reactions of greek society towards refugees
- The News report of Greece in Lithuania ? the welcoming of refugees in schools
- ?Home? by Warsan Shire ? Evangelia Ploumistou and Pantelis Palimetakis ?our students -recitate
- Migration map ? Dimitra
- Migration map ? Verzin
- Migration map ? Jeta
- Migration map- Pantelis
- Migration map – Evangelia
- Erasmus Imagine song